This site created by GM Design on 05/03/2001 & updated March 30/2021
All photographic images contained in this web site are property of Don's Vintage Cats.  
If you would like to use any of them, electronic or otherwise, please contact me for permission
PHOTO PAGE ( KING KATS ) features all three models of the 1971 ARCTIC CAT KING KAT.
All three have been restored and will be driven on occasion each  winter.
This is one of the few collections that include these three very rare race sleds of the 70'.
March 17/2007
1971 King Kat 800 4 cylinder - Out for its yearly ride.
Welcome to
Don's Vintage Cats
There has been some trouble with people trying to contact me.  
Use this email address:
1994 AC ZR 440   (Feb. 2018)

50 Years Snowmobiling - 50 Years Arctic Cat Snowmobiles
4 Generations McLennan Family

Click HERE to read story
HERE 2019 ride

Hello, my name is Don
I am a confirmed Arctic Cat Vintage Addict & I am a lifetime member of V.S.R.A. (Vintage
Snowmobile Restoration Anonymous).
I first started showing symptoms of this very contagious disease in 1989 when I became the
owner of a 1975 Arctic Cat 340Z.  This sled was restored over the next two years and then I
purchased a 1975 Trail Cat, restored it, and then a 1971 EXT.  By this time it became quite
evident that I was severly infected with this disease with very little hope of being cured.
To date I have restored 26 sleds and have rebuilt many others to be used as riders.  All of my
sleds are in running condition and are being ridden whenever the urge hits.  The restored sleds
are shown at various shows and displays both in Canada and the U.S.A.  My King Kat 800 and
1970 Puma Mod were on display at Thief River Falls Cat Pride Home Town Tour in January
I am a retired City of Winnipeg employee so have a little extra time to spend restoring my
sleds. I did some racing in the early 70's, such as the I-500 in 1970, 1971 and 1974.  I still
enjoy entering some of my vintage sleds in local vintage drag races and have been known to
participate in One Lunger 100 races with my Son as well.  I still own and ride newer sleds and
particularly enjoy packing my saddle bags and taking off on longer tours.  My first Arctic Cat
sled was a 1969 Panther 372 JLO, purchased new in November 1968.  This sled replaced a
"brand X" sled purchased earlier.  Since then I have owned about 80-90 new and used Arctic
Cat sleds, not counting dozens of parts sleds.
I hope you enjoy my web site.